Margot Jansens/ Detail Company

Period : 05-02-2024 until 09-02-2024

Creation: Tickled Pink

Tickled Pink

A research and performance with 6 acrobats where the following questions are asked:

How can the spectacular, with sublime elements, as an artistic and impactful method be appropriated again by circus, specifically acrobatics? What is spectacular? What is sublime? What can a re-appropriated spectacular acrobatics bring about in the spectator? How can we guide this impact towards a connecting, euphoric experience with a sublime veil? But also, what could be the downside of this reappraisal of the spectacular: the hyper-sexualized performative body, the fetishization of skill or the relapse into a purely entertaining action?

About Margot Jansens/ Detail Company

Detail Company was founded by Margot Jansens in a call for more collective structures without giving up the individual artistic vision. Detail Company is a home for several circus artists that provides a safe but incentive environment. The company is currently at the start of its development and is in dialogue with several artists.

